Get Inspired – Poppies & Flare

Today’s featured pinhole photo is exploding with color.

Poppies & Flare
[singlepic id=55 w=600]Poppies & Flare, Ondu 6×12, Kodak Ektar, ©Steven Boelaars 2015[/singlepic]

Steven Boelaars captured this wonderful image by pointing his Ondu 6×12 directly into the sun. The subject matter – the red poppies, is perfect for the effect because of the way they bleed with the flare of the sunlight. This is a common side effect of shooting a pinhole straight at the sun – without a lens to tame the sun’s rays, things stay raw and uncontrollably vibrant.

More of Steven’s excellent pinhole work can be found on Flickr.


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