Inspiration Week of 9/5

This week brings a few new pieces to help get your creativity going. Fall is almost here, and this is the time of year that I personally feel the most charged to get out and shoot new work. Seasonality not withstanding, if you are needing a little direction in your creative pursuit, check out the 12 creative challenges we shared a couple days ago!

Low Season
[singlepic id=472 w=600]Low Season, ©Vincenzo Caniparolli 2016[/singlepic]

Vincenzo Caniparoli is the Italian photographer who captured this wonderful beach season, using his homemade 4×5 camera with Fomapan 100. It’s a truly wonderful example of the medium, having captured the spirit of the day. He has a great deal more excellent pinhole and lensed work on his personal website and on his Flickr page.[spacer height=”20px”]

Twenty Eight Point Five
[singlepic id=473 w=600]Twenty Eight Point Five, ©Eric K.F. Li 2016[/singlepic]

This is the second time we’ve shared work by Eric Li, who has an exceptional eye for great photos. Previously we shared one of his pieces on the 7/18 inspiration posting. I highly recommend checking out the rest of his work on his Flickr page.[spacer height=”20px”]


[singlepic id=471 w=600]6, ©Konstantin Murashev 2016[/singlepic]

Konstantin Murashev is a talented photographer out of Murmansk. In this scene, he captured a portion of time with 6 of his friends as they gathered in a Moscow apartment. Konstantin has an excellent way of seeing, and I encourage you to look more on his Flickr page, or follow him on Facebook.[spacer height=”20px”]