Tag Archives: black and white

Get Inspired – Scapa Pier

Today’s feature is a haunting piece captured by Ingrid Budge.

Scapa Pier
[singlepic id=7]Scapa Pier, coffee can pinhole camera, 50 year old Ilford paper, ©Ingrid Budge[/singlepic]

Ingrid made this image using a homemade coffeecan pinhole camera. The paper is about 50 years old and therefore needs longer exposures. This was a 7 minute exposure, developed in Ilford chemicals, then scanned and inverted.

We chose to highlight Ingrid’s photo because of how well it shows the experimentalist nature of pinhole photography. The practice naturally lends itself to push the photographer to say “What if?” In this case, what if you used extremely old photo paper as your negative?

Ingrid can be found on Flickr and Facebook.


Get Inspired – LaCity

Pascal Grandet provides today’s inspiration with converging lines and a vertigo inducing perspective.

[singlepic id=6]LaCity, Zero Image 2000, Fuji Acros, 30 seconds, ©Pascal Grandet 2015[/singlepic]

Pascal captured this image with the help of his Zero Image 2000, loaded with Fuji Acros. A 30 second exposure provides the exquisite tonal scale. He’s been shooting pinhole photos for about 6 years now, and favors Fuji Acros and Kodak Portra films.

This image was featured for it’s exacting composition – from the converging lines to the row of triangles taking you ever deeper. It shows you don’t always need a viewfinder to nail a shot!

Pascal can be found on Flickr.


Get Inspired – The Temple Bar

Today’s dose of pinhole inspiration is provided by Brendan Comey.

The Temple Bar
[singlepic id=5]The Temple Bar, Zero Image 4×5, Tri-X, 20 second exposure, ©Brendan Comey[/singlepic]

Brendan captured this unique street scene with his Zero Image 4×5 with a 120 back and Tri-X film.

We chose to share Brendan’s photo because it shows how well pinhole’s unique perspective can play on a subject traditionally dominated by snappy 35mm cameras. In this case, a 20 second exposure provides a glimpse of the social activity and energy of the scene. Cheers!

Brendan can be found on his blog, Facebook, and Flickr.

Get Inspired – Oostende, Belgium

Rudi Vandeputte brings us this slice of pinhole dreaminess.

Oostende, Belgium
[singlepic id=4]Oostende, Belgium, Olympus Pen w/Wanderlust pinhole cap, ISO200, ©Rudi Vandeputte 2015[/singlepic]

Rudi likes to work with his Olympus Pen camera, set up with a Wanderlust pinhole cap and a Gorillapod – an enviably mobile configuration for sure!

We chose to share Rudi’s pinhole photo because of how well the format fits this subject. The natural vignetting of the pinhole, and the soft focus, highlights a feeling on this beachfront scene that evokes memories of childhood vacations. Enjoy!

Rudi can be found on Twitter and Flickr


Get Inspired – Pike Place Market

Here on ƒ/D, we plan on sharing a regular dose of inspiration. For our first inspiration post, we’ll share one of our own. This image was shot by Kier Selinsky at Pike Place Market, Seattle, with a Zero Image 6×9 on Fuji Acros film. Cheers!

Pike Place Market
[singlepic id=49 float=center]Pike Place Market, Seattle, Zero Image 6×9, Fuji Acros – ©Kier Selinsky 2015[/singlepic]