Tag Archives: ektar

Get Inspired – Poppies & Flare

Today’s featured pinhole photo is exploding with color.

Poppies & Flare
[singlepic id=55 w=600]Poppies & Flare, Ondu 6×12, Kodak Ektar, ©Steven Boelaars 2015[/singlepic]

Steven Boelaars captured this wonderful image by pointing his Ondu 6×12 directly into the sun. The subject matter – the red poppies, is perfect for the effect because of the way they bleed with the flare of the sunlight. This is a common side effect of shooting a pinhole straight at the sun – without a lens to tame the sun’s rays, things stay raw and uncontrollably vibrant.

More of Steven’s excellent pinhole work can be found on Flickr.


Get Inspired – Lights

Today’s photo gets abstract!

[singlepic id=18]Lights, Sharan pinhole camera, Kodak Ektar 100, ©Ingrid Budge 2015[/singlepic]

We’ve featured some of Ingrid’s work before, and here we’ve got to do it again – and there may be an Artist Feature recognizing her work soon. Her images drip with mood.

This photo was chosen for today’s feature because it shows how magical the results can be if you leave the tripod at home. By going handheld, Ingrid’s pinhole images bring the emotional to the very forefront of the photo.

Ingrid can be found on Flickr and Facebook.