Tag Archives: germany

Inspiration Week of 6/13

Today’s inspiration is in 3 movements: the scenic, the abstract, and the impressionistic. I love all 3 and, when out shooting my own pinhole camera, often get twisted up trying to decide which to do. The following are some fine examples, to help open your eyes for the weekend. Need more? Check out our galleries of prior inspiration!

[singlepic id=360 w=600]Untitled, ©Sarah Taft 2016[/singlepic]

Sarah Taft made this soft scenic capture in North Carolina while visiting family in the Fall of last year. She made the capture with her Zero Image and Ektar 100 and the result is some very creamy colors. You can check out more of Sarah’s work on her website and on her Flickr page.


Walt Disney Concert Hall
[singlepic id=361 w=600]Walt Disney Concert Hall, ©James Thorpe 2016[/singlepic]

James Thorpe caught this abstract scene with his RealitySoSubtle 4×5 pinhole camera at the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Due to the harsh lighting in Los Angeles, James was challenged with finding a color film slow enough to get the time effects he desired. He made this capture with Fuji CDU II Duplicating stock – a film originally made for darkroom duplication work – which has an ISO of 4. James has examples on his Flickr page of other experimental films, such as Kodak Vericolor II from the 70’s, also with an ISO of 4.


Osterseen xiv
[singlepic id=359 h=600]Osterseen xiv, ©Michael Richter 2016[/singlepic]

Michael Richter captured this impressionistic scene of a forest by vertically panning his “beast” of a homemade pinhole camera, named “Vivian”. Vivian has a focal length of 35mm and was loaded with XP2 for this photo. You can check out more of Michael’s work on his flickr page or on his blog (in German).



Get Inspired – ~/\

Today our featured pinhole gets us lost in island grasses.

[singlepic id=185 w=600]~/\, Holga WPC, Fomapan 100, ©Vernon Trent 2015[/singlepic]

Vernon Trent created this moody image of a hill of island grasses on Sylt Island, Germany. His capture of the path through the grasses leads us into a misty setting – the perfect place to hold off the work week just a little longer this Monday.

More of Vernon’s work can be found on Flickr, Tumblr, and his personal website.


Get Inspired – Blick auf Alster II

This moody pinhole photo of the day comes Germany.

Blick auf Alster II
[singlepic id=52]Blick auf Alster II, Bomboo pinhole camera, Fuji Velvia 50, ©左眼對焦 (Cheng-I Chien) 2015[/singlepic]

This wide angle water scene was produced by Cheng-I Chien in the waters of Hamburg, Germany. The choice of Velvia, which normally has a blue cast in longer exposures, is perfect in the way it brings out the subtle marks of red on the boat.

More of Cheng-I’s work can be found on Flickr.

Get Inspired – Monastery Maulbronn

Today’s inspiration comes from a quiet corner in Germany.

Monastery Maulbronn
[singlepic id=36]Monastery Maulbronn, Nikon F80, ©Bernd Daub[/singlepic]

Bernd Daub made this wonderfully contrasty capture with his Nikon F80 and pinhole cap. The monastery is listed as a World Heritage Site, and sits fortified on the outskirts of Maulbronn.

This image was chosen to be highlighted because of the wonderful contrast that is subdued just slightly by the softness of the pinhole. A wonderful subject!

Bernd can be found on Flickr and his personal website.