Category Archives: Inspiration

Get Inspired – Week of June 22

This week we bring you 6 photos representing some of the best that we’ve found on the web in the last week. Part of what we enjoy about curating these images from far and wide is that they truly are from the far and wide – from the Far East of Korea to the Baltic States region of Lithuania, and points in between.

So kick back and take in these scenes. Find something new in their work and open yourself to a new way of seeing!


beim “Opfermoor” (ohne Eiche)
[singlepic id=227 w=600]beim “Opfermoor” (ohne Eiche), ©Katja Fleig 2015[/singlepic]
Katja Fleig made this wonderful capture of a wispy bog scene in Germany using a Holga WPC loaded with EFKE Aura IR820 film. You can find more of Katia’s work on Flickr.


[singlepic id=226 w=600]img058, ©Michele Welponer 2015[/singlepic]
Michele Welponer is an Italian photographer that captured this serene scene in Trentino, near Caldonazzo lake. Michele used EFKE 25 film in a handmade wooden camera. More of Michele’s work can be found on Flickr, Instagram, and Facebook.


Caution Tape
[singlepic id=225 w=600]Caution Tape, ©Ross Togashi 2015[/singlepic]
Ross Togashi wielded his self-made wooden pinhole camera and Kodak Ektar to make this sweeping photo, part of his series, “Pinholes at High-Tide”. He’s wonderfully conveyed the sense of the tide rushing out at your feet after the wave has receded. You can find more of his work on Flickr.


Biking Mangrove
[singlepic id=224 w=600]Biking Mangrove, ©Ross Togashi 2015[/singlepic]
This is the second photo today from Ross Togashi, this one from his series “Pinholes Makai”. You can feel the heat and humidity, and dream of how this bike arrived in this situation.


A Feather
[singlepic id=222 w=600]A Feather, ©James Shin 2015[/singlepic]
James Shin made this photo in Ganggoo, Kyongsangbukdo, Korea just after sunset, with an exposure of about 2 minutes, wonderfully capturing the sense of soft darkness at sunset on the shore. You can find more of his work on Flickr, his personal website, or Facebook. He was also interviewed by Parallel Planets.


[singlepic id=221 w=600]1+4, ©Arturas Meskauskas 2015[/singlepic]
Artūras Meškauskas is a photographer based out of Panevezys, Lithuania, that we’ve featured before, and here again we find ourselves very impressed by his vision. He made this photo of his hand in January 2014 using a MO Pinhole 6×6 with Shanghai GP3 100 film.  You can find more of his work on Flickr and Facebook.



Get Inspired – Week of June 15

Today’s post represents the first in our new format change. In case you missed the announcement and the reasons why, you can catch up here. Every week, we at ƒ/D are going to strive to bring you the best we’ve found in the world of pinhole photography. We scour the archives of Flickr, 500px, Behance, personal submissions, and other sources to find great work being done.

This week we feature some great photos from all corners of the world. The photos below represent some great examples of the fun, the fantastical, and of paradise. Enjoy!

Islands and Islets
[singlepic id=203 w=600]Islands and Islets, Holga-120 WPC, Kodak Ektar, ©Peter de Graaff 2015[/singlepic]
Peter de Graaff made the capture for Islands and islets during winter 2014 at North Head in the Murramurrang National Park near Batemans Bay, on the south coast of New South Wales. The Tollgate Islands are visible in the distance and some islets nearby. The sand on the beach here is incredibly orange and was mostly deserted except for a few kangaroo tracks.

More of Peter’s work can be seen on Flickr and he’s a regular contributor on 52 Rolls. Peter can also be found discussing photography on Twitter.


[singlepic id=204 w=600]Austria, ©Csaba Kovacs 2015[/singlepic]
Csaba Kovacs is a talented Hungarian photographer that we’ll be doing a more in depth feature on in the near future. He has a wonderful eye for pattern and shape. Csaba can be found on Flickr and on his personal website.


[singlepic id=205 w=600]Encounters, ©Phil Chapman 2015[/singlepic]
Phil Chapman’s image was inspired by the indie game limbo, and his goal was to make something that had that atmosphere and feel. He constructed the scene out of black card ( the robot ) and ripped black sugar paper ( the trees) with layers of tracing paper creating the fog and distance. The toy figure is from resident evil 2 and is another video game reference.
Phil’s camera is also homemade and the exposure times were roughly 2 minutes per shot. More of Phil’s work can be found on Flickr.


Pinhole 60
[singlepic id=206 w=600]Pinhole 60, Zero 2000, ©Katharina Korn-Sippel 2015[/singlepic]
Katharina Korn-Sippel’s still life of fruit has that perfectly peaceful feeling that has attracted many eyeballs to still lifes over the years. More of Katharina’s work can be found on Flickr.


Synchronized Swinging
[singlepic id=207 w=600]Synchronized Swinging, Diana Pinhole, TMY, ©Kyle Wilcox 2015[/singlepic]
Kyle Wilcox made this stunning capture with a 2 or 3 second exposure on TMY using a Lomo Diana Pinhole camera. While he sat on a swing next to his son and tried to match his speed while he braced the camera on the chain and opened the shutter. More of Kyle’s work can be found on Flickr.


Get Inspired – Pinholeshot

Today’s featured pinhole photo paints a scene of mystery with light.

[singlepic id=202 w=600]Pinholeshot, ©Larissa Honsek 2015[/singlepic]

Larissa Honsek used her pinhole camera in conjunction with light painting to create this enigmatic forest scene. We love the way she performed this 3-dimensionally, wrapping the light trails around the tree.

You can find more of Larissa’s work on Flickr, Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook. In addition, she was part of the team that published the book OBSCURA – a beautiful dedication to the art of pinhole photography.


Get Inspired – O

Today we abstract the view for our featured pinhole photo.

[singlepic id=201 w=600]O, Multipinhole Operator, ©Marcus Mailov 2015[/singlepic]

Marcus Mailoy made this wonderful abstract photo by using just one of the pinhole apertures in his Lomography Multipinhole Operator. This is a fantastic execution of an abstract photo of an abstract subject. The photo was taken from the inside of the Forum Building in Barcelona, where there are skylights that have a kaleidoscopic affect through the geometry and materials used.

You can find more of Marcus’s work on Flickr, Tumblr, and his personal website.


Get Inspired – NovartisCampus Tanaguchi

Today we get juxtaposed in the angles of our featured pinhole photo.

NovartisCampus Tanaguchi
[singlepic id=200 w=600]NovartisCampus Tanaguchi, 8Banners, Fuji Provia, ©Rudi Neumaier 2015[/singlepic]

Rudi Neumaier is a Swiss photographer that thrives on the experimental possibilities that are presented by combining older photo techniques and digital processes. For this photo, he captured a triple exposure with his 8Banners pinhole camera and then converted to black and white in photoshop.

You can find more of Rudi’s work on his personal website, Flickr,  Fotocommunity, Fotoblur, or Black+White Magazine.


Get Inspired – The Old Schoolhouse

Today’s featured photo is wonderful in its simplicity.

The Old Schoolhouse
[singlepic id=199 w=600]The Old Schoolhouse, Holga 120 PC, ©Robert Crutcher 2015[/singlepic]

Robert Crutcher captured this quiet piece of serenity with a Holga 120 PC while in Blackhead Newfoundland, near St John’s. The simple scene, with warm sun and shadow, seems to perfectly fit the one room schoolhouse, and recall a day when it served the small community’s children.

More of Robert’s work can be found on Flickr.


Get Inspired – Suburb X

Today’s featured pinhole photo takes us to a rougher neighborhood.

Suburb X
[singlepic id=198 w=600]Suburb X, Homemade camera, Fuji Velvia, ©Matko Vucica 2015[/singlepic]

Matko Vucica, based in Zagreb, Croatia, made this transcending photo with his homemade pinhole camera using Fuji Velvia film. He’s made a number of pinhole images on slide film, and the richness of color and smooth tonality work well to bring forth his vision in this photo.

More of Matko’s work can be found on Flickr and his personal website.


Get Inspired – Pinhole 06

Today our featured pinhole photo explores our interactions.

Pinhole 06
[singlepic id=187 w=500]Pinhole 06, ©Silvino González 2015[/singlepic]

Silvino González is a Colombian photographer that has gained some notoriety for his unique way of depicting life around Bogota. He brings forth a fantastic vision through the use of many different alternative processes. His Flickr account is well worth the perusal.

You can find more of Silvino’s work on Flickr, 500px, and his blog.


Get Inspired – ~/\

Today our featured pinhole gets us lost in island grasses.

[singlepic id=185 w=600]~/\, Holga WPC, Fomapan 100, ©Vernon Trent 2015[/singlepic]

Vernon Trent created this moody image of a hill of island grasses on Sylt Island, Germany. His capture of the path through the grasses leads us into a misty setting – the perfect place to hold off the work week just a little longer this Monday.

More of Vernon’s work can be found on Flickr, Tumblr, and his personal website.


Get Inspired – Pinhole #4

Editor’s note: The daily pinhole photos are curated and shared to inspire and elevate the pinhole photography artform. Do you have a photo you’d like considered? Tell us about it.

Today’s featured pinhole photo focuses on nothing, and therefore everything.

Pinhole #4
[singlepic id=171 w=550]Pinhole Vision #4, ©Thomas Fitt 2015[/singlepic]

Hungarian photographer Thomas Fitt wielded his matchbox pinhole camera to make this excellent capture. By handholding and moving the camera over his wife’s flowers, he focused not on the flowers themselves, but on the emotion of the richness and color.

You can find more of Thomas’s work on Flickr, Facebook, and his personal website.