Tag Archives: fuji

Get Inspired – Pinhole 970, Bridge

Today’s featured pinhole sends us into the abyss.

Pinhole 970, Bridge
[singlepic id=126 w=600]Pinhole 970, Bridge, Zero Image 2000, Fuji Reala, ©Darius Kuzmickas 2015[/singlepic]

Darius Kuzmickas provides this wonderful perspective of the St. Johns Bridge in Portland Oregon. He used his Zero Image 2000 loaded with Fuji Reala to capture the way the fog blankets the scene in typical Pacific Northwest fashion.

More of Darius’s work can be found on Flickr, 500px, or his portfolio site. In addition, we highly recommend you check out his project, Camera Obscura, Outside In(n).


Get Inspired – Everyday Hope

Wake up this week to a warm new day.

Everyday Hope
[singlepic id=125 w=600]Everyday Hope, Sharan STD-35, Fuji Sensia, ©Andrius Sidlauskas 2015[/singlepic]

Andrius Šidlauskas created this warm morning bedroom scene with expired Sensia that was cross processed after being shot through his Sharan STD-35. This is a wonderful example of how some of the most amazing photos can be found right at hand.

More of Andrius’s work can be found on Flickr.


Luca Baldassari: A Pinhole Camera in the North Cape

Editor’s Note: All images in this article are ©Luca Baldassari 2015

[singlepic id=106 w=150 float=right][/singlepic]For this week’s artist feature we’re pleased to take a bicycle trip with Luca Baldassari to the North Cape region of Norway. He was was able to fundraise on indiegogo to pay his travel expenses. Luca made this trek in 2014 on his trusty Surly Ogre bike loaded down with panniers. His camera for the trip was his homemade camera that he’s dubbed the “baldaV” – a worthy 4×5 that he kept loaded with Fuji FP100. The FP100 was, in our humble view, the perfect film for this landscape, as it oozes with blues and greens, especially when exposed through a pinhole.

Luca lost his father in December 2013, and the trip was a tribute as his father had wanted to go to North Cape.

“I feel lost and [know that] I’d lost something and someone forever. I feel that now I have to face travel [held off] for a long time because of fear. I made [the trip to] rediscover who I am and [who] I lost, [knowing] it’ll never be like before. ​I’m leaving with the bike and pinhole with the hope and consciousness​ that they’ll help me to restore, redefine who I am. [I headed in the direction] to North Cape for my first bike travel following EuroVelo 7’s route, from Stoccolma, 2600km. 48 days on my own but with the support of all those who believed in my project.”


[singlepic id=110 w=150 float=left][/singlepic]Luca found the following passage from CSI’s song, “In Viaggio” particularly moving:
“Viaggiano i viandanti viaggiano i perdenti più adatti ai mutamenti
viaggia Sua Santità
Viaggiano ansie nuove Sempre nuove…
Cadono di vertigine…”




So without further adieu, Luca Baldassari: A Pinhole Camera in the North Cape

[singlepic id=117 w=500]Norway Sea and Clouds, ©Luca Baldassari 2015[/singlepic]


[singlepic id=116 w=500]Norway Nordkapp 1, ©Luca Baldassari 2015[/singlepic]


[singlepic id=115 w=500]Norway Knivskjellodden 1, ©Luca Baldassari 2015[/singlepic]


[singlepic id=114 w=500]Norway E69 Nordmannset 2, ©Luca Baldassari 2015[/singlepic]


[singlepic id=113 w=500]Norway E69 Honningsvåg Skipsfjorden 2, ©Luca Baldassari 2015[/singlepic]


[singlepic id=112 w=500]Norway E69 Honningsvåg Risfjorden 1, ©Luca Baldassari 2015[/singlepic]


[singlepic id=111 w=500]Finland SS93 Lake Sotkajärvi 4, ©Luca Baldassari 2015[/singlepic]


[singlepic id=118 w=500]Svezia E10 Puoltikasjärvi Lake 2, ©Luca Baldassari 2015[/singlepic]


[singlepic id=119 w=500]Svezia Uttersjöbäcken Lake 3, ©Luca Baldassari 2015[/singlepic]



Get Inspired – Chûn Quoit

It is fitting that these prehistoric ruins be photographed with the oldest of techniques.

Chûn Quoit
[singlepic id=120 w=600]Chun Quoit, Zero Image 4×5, Fuji Acros, ©Paul Hetherington 2015[/singlepic]

Paul Hetherington made this wonderful capture in Cornwall with his Zero Image 4×5. This is the only quoit in the area to keep it’s capstone in situ, and as such is quite the iconic burial structure.

More of Paul’s work can be found on Flickr.

Get Inspired – Blick auf Alster II

This moody pinhole photo of the day comes Germany.

Blick auf Alster II
[singlepic id=52]Blick auf Alster II, Bomboo pinhole camera, Fuji Velvia 50, ©左眼對焦 (Cheng-I Chien) 2015[/singlepic]

This wide angle water scene was produced by Cheng-I Chien in the waters of Hamburg, Germany. The choice of Velvia, which normally has a blue cast in longer exposures, is perfect in the way it brings out the subtle marks of red on the boat.

More of Cheng-I’s work can be found on Flickr.

Get Inspired – Tied Up

Gunnar Eld brings this maritime scene from the icy shores of Stockholm.

Tied Up
[singlepic id=39 w=600]Tied Up, Ondu 6X6, Fuji Acros 100, ©Gunnar Eld 2015[/singlepic]

When I lived in Seattle there were many days that were cold, drizzly, and hazy. It was like a blanket everywhere, but especially by the water. Gunnar’s image evokes that chilly yet comforting sensation perfectly.

You can find more of Gunnar’s work on his Flickr page and personal site.


Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day

Well, the sun is almost set here at ƒ/D headquarters (for the curious: near Cleveland, OH). It was a beautifully sunny day and one filled with possibilities. Of course, there was also some tribulations: my beloved pinhole-converted Polaroid 335 Land Camera camera sucked in 3 frames at once through the rollers. She’s always been a cantankerous old gal, but I think she’s telling me it’s time to hang up her rollers. I’m gonna miss her.

I did still get some shots today though. A few Polaroids and some other items that I’ll need to process later. Below are the Polaroids – they’ve not been cleaned up at all, so apologies for dust and such. Stay tuned after the jump – a legit reciprocity failure table for Fuji’s FP-100C film (it is cantankerous as well).

[singlepic id=41]Beehive, Pinhole converted Polaroid, FP-100C, ©Kier Selinsky 2015[/singlepic]


Chickens (who don’t stay still for nothing)
[singlepic id=42]Chickens, Pinhole converted Polaroid, FP-100C, ©Kier Selinsky 2015[/singlepic]


[singlepic id=43]Field, Pinhole converted Polaroid, FP-100C, ©Kier Selinsky 2015[/singlepic]


Fuji FP-100C – Reciprocity Failure Table

Ever wonder why your FP-100C pinholes come out so dark? The reciprocity failure rate on it is EXTREME! I found this at apug.org and have verified it’s accuracy. Copy/paste this for future reference:

Metered Seconds :: Corrected Seconds
1 :: 3
1.25 :: 4.06
1.5 :: 5.25
2 :: 8
2.5 :: 11.25
3 :: 15
4 :: 24
5 :: 35
6 :: 48
8 :: 80
10 :: 120
12 :: 168
15 :: 255
18.75 :: 389.06
22.5 :: 551.25
30 :: 960


Happy Shooting!!

Get Inspired – 30 Minutes

In today’s featured photo, Atttila Hupjan shows us what happens when you just leave that shutter open!

30 Minutes
[singlepic id=23]30 Minutes, Zero Image 612B, Fuji Provia 400, ©Attila Hupjan[/singlepic]

Attila made this photo by mounting his Zero Image 612B on the back of the boat and leaving the shutter open for 30 minutes. The white squiggle in the sky is the moon as it bounced in the sky on the way back to shore. He opened the shutter when the sky was still blue at dusk and captured the last glimmer of setting colors.


We feature this photo because of the fantastic way it shows some simple experimentation. Sometimes just letting go of the technical preparation for a photo yields some of the best results.

Attila can be found on Flickr and his personal blog.


Get Inspired – West Side Market

Today’s photo deceives with an apparently empty market.

West Side Market
[singlepic id=27]West Side Market, Zero Image 6×9, Fuji Acros 100, ©Kier Selinsky[/singlepic]

I made this 6 minute exposure in a very very crowded West Side Market in Cleveland on a Saturday afternoon. The crowd was so thick you could barely move, but because of the long exposure, the place looks empty!

This photo was chosen because it highlights the effect of a long exposure on a crowded area. To learn more about the use of long exposures, check out our article on multi-lapse.

Kier is the editor of ƒ/D, and his work can be found on Flickr.


Get Inspired – Movements 7 – arriving at the airport

Movement comes to the forefront in today’s featured pinhole photo.

Movements 7 – arriving at the airport
[singlepic id=21]Movements 7 – arriving at the airport, P-sharan pinhole camera, Fuji Provia 400, ©Martin Martinsson 2015[/singlepic]

Martin is a passionate amateur photographer and never leaves his home in Malmö, Sweden without his trusty P-sharan paper pinhole camera, usually loaded with slide film. He got hooked on pinholing a few years ago when a friend lent him a paper camera, lured in by the dreamy quality of the photos.

We chose to highlight this photo because of the unique way that movement is highlighted. It’s always fun to have movement in a pinhole photo, and sometimes even more fun when it’s the camera that’s on the move!

You can find more of Martin’s work on Flickr, lomography, and Tumblr.